Advanced Mapping Services Basics

To access the GIS advanced mapping services, click GIS in the top navigation bar.


To search for an address, click the magnifying glass icon and enter a combination of street address, city, state, and/or zip code. The search module will center and adjust the zoom of the map to accommodate the best approximate location found. For example, the user could enter “1600 Pennsylvania Ave.”, “Boston, Massachusetts”,  or “25605” as search criteria.


Click on this button to change the mouse pointer to a navigation control, allowing you to move the map by clicking and dragging.

The user can also zoom in/out by using the slide bar buttons located on the left side of the map. Directional buttons are also available to move east, west, north, south. A mouse with a mouse wheel will also zoom the map when in Navigation mode.

Drawing Tools

Click the pencil icon to access the drawing tools, which include Navigate, Draw A Circle, Draw A Polygon or Clear All Selections icon.

Draw a Circle

Click on this button to change the mouse pointer to a draw a circle control, allowing you to draw circles on the map. Position the cursor where you want the center of the circle to be, click, hold and drag the cursor to expand or contract the circle. When you release the mouse button, the circle will be completed.

Draw a Polygon

Click on this button to change the mouse pointer to a draw a polygon control, allowing you to draw a polygon on the map. Position the cursor where you want the first point to start, click, then move to the next point, click, then continue until you reach the final point of your polygon, at which time you double click to complete the polygon.

Note: Drawing shapes on the map without using any filtering with queries causes Global AlertLink to search for all contacts, contact folders, resources and resource folders located within the shaded areas. If you have drawn multiple polygons and circles, all of those areas will be searched.  However, if you have multiple shaded areas and they overlap, the overlapping sections will not be searched. Also, large shaded areas spanning multiple hemispheres, half the globe, etc. is not recommended.

Show Queries

Click on the query icon and the user will be allowed to select custom form queries for Global AlertLink data. Any Global AlertLink object that has valid lat/long data returned in the selected queries will be displayed as colored dots on the GIS map. Click on the colored dot and all the fields included in the query will be displayed for that particular Global AlertLink data object. If there are multiple objects with the same lat/long values, when you click on the colored dot, we will only show the number of objects at that specific location. You may choose to display multiple queries at a time, each will be represented by a different color icon.

In the example below, a user selects GIS Query 1. Global AlertLink objects selected in that query are shown on the map as green dots.

Rolling the cursor over a green dot, displays the associated Global AlertLink object.

Note:  The user has the capability to select multiple queries and draw multiple circles and polygons. If a user combines drawings and queries, only the GLOBAL ALERTLINK data objects selected by the queries that are within the shaded areas will be used. If queries are used and none of the drawings include any of the query data objects, no objects will be used. For example, the user could run a query that shows all their contacts/contact folders on the east coast, but if the user draws a circle around 3 cities (Boston, Washington, DC and Charlotte) only those contacts/contact folders would be used.

 Polygon and query selection (no Global AlertLink data objects selected) 

 Circle and query selection (only Global AlertLink objects in shaded area selected) 

 Multiple query selections, circle and polygon (only Global AlertLink data objects in polygon selected) 

Show Layer Legend

Click on this icon to see all layers available in the GIS system. The user has the option to deselect any layer by clicking the checkmark. This removes that selection layer and may change what Global AlertLink data objects will be used. If the user clicks on the Show/Hide layer binoculars icon, that selection layer is hidden from the map display, however, there will not be any changes to the Global AlertLink data objects used. Lastly, by clicking the Delete button, that query's Global AlertLink data objects will not be used.